Title: You and Me Author: elfcat255 Pairing: Sam/Janet Rating: G Spoilers: None Warnings: None Note: I know..I dropped some words from the lyrics..had to..so it would be 100 words Challenge #100 100 Challenge Challenge #51 Song Fic
I couldn't POSSIBLY have MORE, could I...? I mean, it's inconceivable! (You keep saying that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.) And yet... some more. This is Challenges #16-21. 21/100 complete!
Title: Blow Me Down Author: Rysler Date: 09/17/04 Rating: NC17 (very dirty) Pairing: Jack/Sam/Surprise!(male) Notes: For the samcarter100 Pirate challenge.
as ye may or may not know, sunday be 'international talk like a pirate day' and t' celebrate, this weeks challenge be..... Piratesooh arrrr, ooh arrr
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